Surrounded by kids a minivan parks in the schoolyard. A hot model stylishly laminated. Under a shade dispensing canopy attractive people distribute drugs to the kids. In a good mood, unexcited and free of charge. No not methadone or other substitutes but Marlboros, Camels and Lucky Strikes. Here still in their original packaging because here no one cares. The bus tours through Africa because new markets are being opened, unethically hunting for costumers by giving free cigarettes to school kids.

 Meanwhile the number of smokers in the industrial countries is falling and governments are passing more and more nonsmoking laws. But there are still markets that have the potential to grow enormously for example in the newly industrializing and developing countries especially in Africa. For a long time the continent was the biggest nonsmoking region in the world. Now in Africa the tobacco companies are massively investing in advertising, offering raffles and fishing for school kids with free cigarettes.


The western lifestyle is magically attracting the smart-phone generation of newly industrializing countries. This is often paired with insufficient education on the risks and side effects.

What is harmless with t-shirts has fatal consequences with nicotine and so the calculation of the tobacco industry is successful. Investments of billions are justified by the millions of new addicted consumers. Here their true colors show. They can’t justify themselves with traditions nor can they ignore the catastrophic consequences of their business model. Insensitively they organize the buildup of their drug trafficking.


The caravan moves on into lawless spaces.

Besser ohne

Besser ohne

Besser ohne